Maximizing Elite Performance

Business Strategy Rooted in People Strategy

W Talent Solutions’ skilled talent analysts gather insights and data from your existing team to determine how to best leverage personality types and work styles to produce impactful results.

These aren’t just “feel good” assessments. The data garnered here gets to the root causes of business obstacles, ramps up performance, trains and develops leaders, and increases employee engagement. Using this information, our staff teaches your team how to effectively collaborate, and helps you identify successors for key roles for sustained growth.

“W Talent Solutions combines executive placement services with Predictive Index insights to help us hire and develop exceptional talent. Predictive Index assessments are easy to administer and provide valid and reliable information about behavioral requirements needed for any type of job. Highly recommend!”

Lori N.

CHRO, National CPA Firm

How It Works

Talent Experts

At W Talent Solutions, we believe in active collaboration with your team as we implement our Talent Strategy throughout your organization. Our dedicated team of talent experts becomes an integral part of your bench, working closely with you to achieve your goals. Leveraging the power of robust employee and candidate assessment tools, our experienced talent specialists carefully analyze and identify the most effective methods for driving enhanced performance. We understand that building high-performance teams goes beyond hiring qualified candidates. That’s why W Talent Solutions is committed to fostering growth and cohesion at every level, ensuring long-term success and productivity.

Hiring Framework

At W Talent Solutions, we help organizations implement our proprietary hiring framework known as © The Head, Heart, and Briefcase Model. This comprehensive 360° evidence-based selection framework enables organizations to make careful and accurate assessments of candidate fit for specific roles. Our framework is designed to eliminate bias by relying on data and concrete evidence. With this unique and streamlined model, organizations can confidently and efficiently make hiring decisions, eliminating the need for subjective gut-based judgments in the process. Trust in W Talent Solutions to help you build a talented and diverse workforce.

Predictive Index

As certified Predictive Index partners, we bring a unique approach to helping companies optimize their hiring processes and talent acquisition strategies. Our team collaborates closely with our clients, leveraging PI’s powerful assessment tools and cutting-edge hiring software to identify and attract top-tier candidates who align with their organizational goals and cultural fit. With our expertise in integrating PI’s assessment tools and software, we empower our clients to make data-driven hiring decisions that lead to long-term success and growth. Partner with us to streamline your recruitment process and unlock the potential of your organization’s talent.

Our Assessment Tools

Job Assessment

This is our secret-sauce, benchmarking the behavioral and cognitive requirements for the role.

Behavioral Assessment

Measuring the top five behaviors that directly correlate to success in the workplace.

Cognitive Assessment

The #1 predictor of workplace performance, more accurate than ibuprofen curing a headache.

Strategy Assessment

Successful strategic execution depends on talent alignment. Do you have the right leaders in place to accomplish results?

Employee Experience Assessment

Are your employees engaged? Identify and isolate the causes of low engagement to drive employee morale.

Emotional Intelligence Assessment

Gain an edge in the hiring process by unlocking emotional intelligence.

High Potential Leadership Assessment

Measures six key traits which influence work performance and reveal leadership styles.

360 Degree Feedback Assessment

The 360 tool provides a holistic view of an individual’s competencies and helps identify performance gaps.

<span data-buffer="">Try our behavioral assessment for free!<span data-buffer="">


Talent strategy is a framework designed to help companies use people data to design their teams, hire the perfect person for the job, inspire their teams to be their best, and diagnose any problems hindering cohesion or growth. Talent strategy uncovers the hardwiring of your team and candidates to make sure the right person is in the right seat.

Through talent strategy, we discover individual candidates’ motivations, skills, and interests. This information helps companies make decisions like where each team member fits best, how to create an ideal work environment, how to best manage and work with them, and which candidates will perform the best for an open role.

The four key components of talent strategy are:

  1. Design – Choose key goals for your company and who you need to get you there.
  2. Hire – Using proven data, source the best candidate for the role based on assessment data.
  3. Inspire – By uncovering your team’s hardwiring, you’ll know how to work with each person to inspire optimal performance.
  4. Diagnose –  Continuously audit your hiring and engagement practices. Determine and implement previously undiscovered solutions. 

Talent strategy will give your team the knowledge, language, and framework they need to discuss approaches to problem solving, efficiency, and teamwork. Your team will obtain a clearer understanding of not only one another, but also themselves. They will learn how they work best, and will be able to implement learned ideas and strategies to completely optimize their performance and output.

You will be able to streamline your recruiting and hiring processes, removing bias and enhancing diversity. Instead of sorting through endless stacks of resumes, you will be able to clearly identify candidates with hardwiring to excel in the role. This will enhance employee engagement and reduce costs associated with turnover. 

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Download Our Talent Strategy Report

Are you ready to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of talent management? “The State of Talent” is your essential guide to navigating these changes.

Packed with insightful analysis and forward-looking trends, this report is a treasure trove for executives, leaders, and HR professionals. From the latest in global talent acquisition to the impact of technological innovations, this report covers it all.

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